The Take Control HIV community offers Pennsylvanians a unique combination of services, including resources and referrals, to empower everyone to take control of their HIV status – no matter positive or negative. We’re here to connect you to confidential care and support that puts your needs first.
Have Questions about HIV?
What exactly is HIV?
HIV, which is short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, weakening it over time. This makes it difficult or impossible for the body to fight off infections and some diseases. If left untreated, HIV can progress into AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the last stage of HIV infection.
What are the symptoms of HIV?
While some don’t exhibit any of the following, initial HIV symptoms can occur between 2 and 4 weeks after exposure and may include chills, fever, rash, muscle aches, night sweats, sore throat, mouth ulcers and more.
Is there a cure for HIV?
Currently, there is no cure for HIV. While this may be, modern medical treatments are extremely effective at controlling HIV and, when taken routinely, help people live long, healthy lives.
Does HIV affect how long a person lives?
In most cases, HIV can only impact a person’s lifespan if they are not receiving treatment. Failure to receive treatment will result in HIV progressing to AIDS, which can be fatal.
What treatment options are there for HIV?
Antiretroviral therapy, a.k.a. ART, is the most common treatment for HIV. When taken on a regular basis, ART can greatly reduce the content levels of HIV in a person’s blood. ART may come in the form of one pill or several to be taken together.
How soon should a person start treatment?
A person should begin treatment as soon as possible after receiving an HIV diagnosis. Delaying treatment may speed up the progression of HIV into AIDS, which can be life threatening.

hiv and me
hiv and her
As a woman, the shocking nature of an HIV diagnosis likely has you questioning your past, present, and future. We’re here to help you thrive with confidence and control.
hiv and us
Embrace your status, have great sex and keep your partners safe while living with HIV. A guide to maintaining a healthy relationship and having worry free sex.

Explore the Guide to Ryan White Part B Services! It’s your resource for help if you’re living with HIV. Get support for medical care, treatment, medication assistance, and more. We’re here to guide you toward a healthier life, so you can get the support you need to be fully you.

hiv and her
As a woman, the shocking nature of an HIV diagnosis likely has you questioning your past, present, and future. We’re here to help you thrive with confidence and control.

hiv and us
Receiving an HIV diagnosis may leave you feeling many emotions all at once or questioning your past and future.

Explore the Guide to Ryan White Part B Services! It’s your resource for help if you’re living with HIV. Get support for medical care, treatment, medication assistance, and more. We’re here to guide you toward a healthier life, so you can get the support you need to be fully you.

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